Free introductory workshop on Data Science & Machine Learning

Date – 25/05/2019, Time- 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Venue- 78, Ramnagar, Nr, Country Lodge, Dharamshala

Contact number 86189 63225/ 82194 51691/82197 97318

Join us for Free introductory workshop on Data Science & Machine Learning


Requirements Just some high school level mathematics along with willingness to learn

  • Understand the Basics of Data Science.
  • Know and understand how to use popular data science tools.


Understand the very basics of Data Science with practical examples. This course includes hands on lectures demonstrating fundamental concepts of data science, and useful python libraries for data science. We will walk you step-by-step into the World of Machine Learning.

We present the information in an understandable format, so if you have no experience with Data Science but are interested in learning more about it in a short time period you are in the right place.

Workshop structure

  • Know how to use a computer (MAC or Windows) and Data science environment
  • Little Programming (in any language) preferably Python.
  • Creating the environment from scratch
  • Anaconda Environment
  • Staring with Python
  • NumPy with Python
  • Pre-processing Data
  • Statistical Visualizations
  • Machine Learning tools
  • Machine Learning with SciKit Learn


You should you take this free workshop, if…

  • You want to know the basics of modern data science.
  • You are a student and you feel that learning the Data Science will be good for future
  • You dread taking a course about Python and Data Science because it sounds too complicated and just want simple explanations
  • You want to see how to implement projects in data Science
  • You are an entrepreneur or business owner and you want to learn about how Data Science and/or Analytics can make your business thrive.